Hamming Distance
• The main concept for error-control: Hamming distance.
• The Hamming distance between 2 words is the number of differences between the corresponding bits.
• Let d(x,y) = Hamming distance between 2 words x and y.
• Hamming distance can be found by
→ applying the XOR operation on the 2 words and
→ counting the number of 1's in the result.
• For example:
1) The Hamming distance d(000, 011) is 2 because 000⊕011= 011 (two 1's).
2) The Hamming distance d(10101, 11110) is 3 because 10101⊕11110 = 01011 (three 1's).
Hamming Distance and Error
➢ Hamming distance between the received word and the sent code-word is the number of bits
that are corrupted during transmission.
➢ For example: Let Sent code-word =00000
Received word = 01101
Hamming distance = d(00000, 01101) =3. Thus, 3 bits are in error.
Minimum Hamming Distance for Error Detection
• Minimum Hamming distance is the smallest Hamming distance b/w all possible pairs of code- words.
• Let dmin = minimum Hamming distance.
• To find dmin value, we find the Hamming distances between all words and select the smallest one.
Minimum-distance for Error-detection
➢ If ‘s’ errors occur during transmission, the Hamming distance b/w the sent code-word and
received code-word is ‘s’.
➢ If code has to detect up-to ‘s’ errors, the minimum-distance b/w the valid codes must be ‘s+1’
i.e. dmin=s+1.
➢ We use a geometric approach to define dmin=s+1.
• For example: A code scheme has a Hamming distance dmin =4.
This code guarantees the detection of up-to 3 errors (d = s + 1 or s = 3).
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