The Northern Light (AURORA)


The Northern Lights are also known as Aurora, despite of its name, It can also be shown in many other part of the globe such as equator and south pole also. However it is most commonly seen in the Arctic circle
Arctic Circle
The light shown at north pole is known as Aurora Borealis, However the lights which are seen at the south pole has another name called Aurora Australis. This Aurora phenomenon is very common phenomenon of our universe, you will witness similar phenomenon if you stands on Jupiter or Saturn, Uranus has Aurora too, And the Aurora at Venus are look likes a glowing dots.

There are various superstitions on Aurora sighting among different communities in the world, some think that spirits are dancing and some thing it is a path of fire to the god.

But according to modern science the reason of this phenomenon to occur is Approx 150 million kilometers away from our planet earth. The reason is Sun and Solar flare.


Solar Flare

Solar flare is also known as the solar storm which is caused in the core of the Sun. At the the core of the Sun, two hydrogen atoms are diffused to form helium atom which result in releasing in enormous amount of energy from the sun and the process is known as Nuclear fusion. This process result in formation of magnetic field, And if two magnetic line intersects each other there is outward push of that magnetic field in the form of energy also known as Coronal Mass Ejection(CME). These magnetic Field are so dangerous that it can wipe out entire life from the earth. But before entering in the Earth's atmosphere it has been neutralized by the Earth's magnetic field. At the poles the magnetic field of the earth is weak and very small amount of solar wind can penetrate to the Earth's atmosphere. When this happens the electrons of the solar wind collide with the oxygen and nitrogen atom present in the atmosphere of the Earth, due to this collision the energy is transferred in atoms of oxygen and nitrogen and atom reached at excited state. In order to come again at previous state atoms of oxygen and nitrogen release this energy in the form of particles of light, these lights are actually the thing we called as Aurora. The different colors of aurora emits by the different gases, each gases emits a unique colors.
Earth's Magnetic Field's interaction with Solar wind. 


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